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AdCreator 3 Platform Now Supports IAB Rising Stars Ad Formats

Celtra Last updated: May 7, 2013

Following the IAB’s Mobile Rising Stars initiative, we’ve developed the 5 formats based on the guidelines including Pull, Slider, Sticky Banner, Filmstrip and Full Page Flex . We also enriched them and developed a Celtra unique design to make them engaging, fun and effective.

Following the IAB’s Mobile Rising Stars initiative, we’ve developed the 5 formats based on the guidelines including Pull, Slider, Sticky Banner, Filmstrip and Full Page Flex. We also enriched them and developed a Celtra unique design to make them engaging, fun and effective.

At Celtra, we’re mostly interested in shaping quality ad experiences that are user friendly, designed to be interesting, fun and easy to interact with, but at the same time effective and delivering the best results for advertisers.
Of the rising stars series, most interesting for us is the work on the Pull and Slides formats which are the newest additions to the Ad Creator Platform.

With both formats we took the design decision of introducing a new ad expansion paradigm. As a user actively pulls or slides, they gradually expand the banners into their rich media state.

The expansion action of the formats is clearly intentional. With such navigation the ad gives the user a clear sense of control and context. We believe that this type of “opt-in” will elevate engagement rates for brands.

To support the newly introduced expansion navigation, we designed recognisable pull and slider “handles” that standardize the visual UI pattern for those formats’ experiences. Additionally, the banners appear with an elegant subtle bounce animation, which hints that there is a new way to explore them. The flexy physics effect of expansion and retraction is also fun and so attracts users to further interact with the ads. The progressive transition invites even more creativity to the canvas, as creative designers can overlap, blend and align the banner and the expanded units. The properties are customizable, so on one side creative developers have control over appearance and branding, while on the other side publishers can control basic behavior to fit their sites

As with any rich media formats all AC3 features are available with these new formats.