Discussing Creative Automation With Spotify and Lazada

By Christine Göös

This past June marks exactly 10 years since we launched the first Celtra creative software. In 2010, we took on the challenge of how to make mobile advertising creative. We introduced a web browser-based design and production tool, built specifically for new digital channels. Beyond enabling designers, we designed our product for the entire ecosystem and all stakeholders. 

Ten years later, our objective has remained the same: better creative, done more efficiently, self-service, and great customer experience. It’s been an amazing journey. Our wonderful partners and users have built and launched over 500,000 campaigns with Celtra this year alone. 

Today, we power creative for 2/3 of Fortune 500 companies and over 5,000 brands each month. To celebrate this milestone, we announced two new software products for marketing and programmatic. Celtra Creative Automation, our bespoke solution for marketers, allows creative and marketing teams to multiply creative volume and variety, go to market faster, and out-market the competition. 

We invited our community to celebrate virtually through a series of conversations with brands, publishers, and media platforms we are proud to call our customers. 

We wanted to learn how creative automation enables speed, scale, and agility so we invited Patricia Jiménez, Head of Marketing Automation at Spotify as well as Shweta Gupta, Regional Lead, User Experience (Performance Marketing) at the online marketplace giant Lazada to speak at our product events. Here are our favorite takeaways from both conversations.

Spotify on Fostering a Culture of Creativity 

Working cross-functionally is a crucial element of how Spotify maintains creative excellence. Patricia explained their most creative work happens when they bring creative, marketing, engineering, and product teams to work together. A great example of that is the annual Spotify Wrapped campaign–it gets bigger and better each time. 

The Role of Creative in Lazada’s Marketing 

According to Shweta, creative is the one thing that makes people come to their platform. It’s the first impression of their brand and critical to driving business. Lazada operates in multiple markets with unique cultural nuances. When it comes to creative production, Lazada needs to differentiate its brand while maintaining consistency and recognition, take regional nuances into account, and scale a high number of campaigns efficiently. 

How Spotify Scales Creative 

Spotify is growing rapidly. They’re in 92 different markets with multiple product offerings in various languages. Any brand that operates in a similar setup knows that creative development needs will grow exponentially. For Patricia’s team, it also drove a sense of urgency to find software like Celtra to finally meet that scale. 

Lazada’s Production Mantra 

Lazada believes in scale. It’s all about how much automation they can bring. The number of campaigns Lazada runs each month is huge. It’s not feasible to have designers manually churn out localized versions of thousands of assets–that’s where automation comes into play. 

Looking to scale your content production? Consider bringing your creative and marketing teams together to collaborate in the cloud with creative automation software. We’d be happy to help you get started. Talk to us today.

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