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XXX Solving the Content Gap

Celtra Last updated: April 2, 2019

Over the past decade, businesses have invested in a unified view of their customers and now have the opportunity to deliver 1000s of personalized messages. But what’s the value of 1000 messages if you can’t produce 1000 quality pieces of content? There’s a gap between the high quality content you need, and the content you’re able to produce. That’s what we’re solving here at Celtra – the production of high-quality content at scale.

Compounding the challenge is that production budgets (non-working media budgets) are flat or shrinking, yet brands are adding customer and audience data, discovering new audience insights, and having to advertise across an ever-increasing number of formats and channels. It’s a race to deliver meaningful, impactful messages at scale. And the brands that can fill this content gap will win.  

The dilemma is embodied by what we at Celtra have coined The Content Gap. It’s the delta between the amount of quality content you need to produce and the resources available to achieve it.

Symptoms you’re experiencing The Content Gap right now:

  1. Low creative quality because teams are stretched too thin across content needs
  2. Low creative volume because brands don’t have the content they need to deliver against their media and messaging strategy   

So how can Celtra help? Our SaaS platform helps your production teams do more with less and increase quality and volume (production capacity) at the same time. From tools such as feed-based creative, templating, and creative reuse to bulk preview and approval, teams can spend less time on creative operations and more time on perfecting the message. That’s how marketers can get creative excellence at scale.