Brand-Building for CPGs at Every Growth Stage w/ Lindsay Martin

Listen to “Brand-Building for CPGs at Every Growth Stage w/ Lindsay Martin” on Spreaker.

Consumer packaged goods are an enormous product category with players spanning the gamut from Goliath household names to smaller but fast-growing challenger brands.

Regardless of size, creating a brand that consumers can fall in love with is the lifeblood of every CPG marketer.

Today’s guest, Lindsay Martin , VP Marketing at Reed’s Inc , is someone CPGs big and small turn to when they need experience and expertise in branding and marketing.

In this episode, we discuss:

-The differences and similarities in marketing for giant CPG-staples and scrappy upstarts

-Why highly targeted marketing efforts can compete with large campaigns

-The value in eking out a niche

Find this interview and many more by subscribing to BRAND-SIDE on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts, or on our website.

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