The Serendipity of Discovery: What Zulily delivers is more than goods

Listen to “The Serendipity of Discovery: What Zulily delivers is more than goods” on Spreaker.

With all the shifts in online shopping in the past few years, e-commerce and marketing is finally leveling up.

Today’s guest Hafiz Huda, Executive Creative Director at Zulily, is one of those pioneers and leaders in not just storytelling, but curating a unique experience in this realm. With experiences in innovative narrative campaigns, partnerships and diversifying media, he shares some highlights and also what is coming-up next.

We discuss:

  • List shopping or chore shopping vs. an online discovery experience
  • Retail storytelling and the shop early model
  • Shifts in E-commerce advertising and marketing

Find this interview and many more by subscribing to BRAND-SIDE on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts, or on our website.

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