Balancing Performance and Sustainability in Digital Advertising

By Celtra

In today’s complex advertising landscape, the pressure is on for both publishers and advertisers. On the one hand, they need to ensure the best possible ad performance every single time to stand out among the thousands of commercial messages consumers see every day. On the other hand, they are facing growing pressure to do so in a sustainable way that supports their companies’ and clients’ emissions targets – and, more importantly, reduces waste and helps the planet.  

We kept all this in mind while developing the newest addition to Celtra’s Creative Enablement – Fast-Loading Ads. This high-performance, low-emissions product automatically optimizes the payload weight of banners, enabling media owners and brands to lower load times and deliver high-quality ad experiences – all while ensuring a smaller carbon emissions footprint.

Improve user experience with 30% faster load times

Celtra’s Fast-Loading Ads are built with performance and speed in mind. Their payload weight is automatically optimized, ensuring faster ad serving times with minimum data usage, which is particularly important for outstream video. As users scroll through a website, the ad loads instantly, leading to a better, seamless experience – even for users on slower networks or devices. 

Using our self-serve, cloud-based Creative Eanblement platform, you can quickly and easily build the following fast-loading formats:

  • Fast-Loading Banner: a banner format that automatically adapts to any cross-screen canvas size.
  • Fast-Loading Interstitial: a full-screen format that adapts to fill the entire display area.
  • Fast-Loading Expendable: an in-page banner expands when the user clicks on it.

Meet sustainability targets by reducing campaign emissions

Digital advertising contributes to a significant portion of the internet’s overall carbon emissions as large amounts of data need to be transferred to deliver ads to the end consumer. According to Scope3, the leading provider of creative emissions reporting, digital display and streaming ads produce 7.2M metric tons of emissions every year – equivalent to 1.4 million US households.

How can advertisers and publishers work towards reducing these emissions? One way to do so is by optimizing the asset weight of the ad creative, which can reduce campaign emissions by 30% (source: IMPACT+). Celtra already optimizes the weight of assets, such as fonts and images, but you can go the extra mile by using Fast-Loading Ads, which were built specifically to be lightweight.

Furthermore, Celtra’s Creative Enablement solution also helps you track your CO2e emissions, uncover benchmarks, and identify sources of inefficient leaks with emissions reports powered by Scope 3. This can help you achieve greater transparency and visibility, which is the first step towards a more optimized and sustainable ad supply chain.

Want to get started with Fast-Loading Ads?

If you’re ready for greater performance and lower emissions, read more about Celtra’s Creative Enablement solution and Fast-Loading Ads, or book a meeting with our team to see how our solutions can best serve your business. 

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