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Boosting Campaign Success With Location-Based Advertising

Celtra Last updated: July 24, 2024
7 min read

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Feeling like you’re creating great ads, but you’re still not getting the engagement you want? Maybe you’re just not showing the right ads to the right people. If you’re just using the same ad version to everyone, it can quickly fall flat. In today’s digital landscape, you need to deliver hyper-relevant experiences that are specifically tailored to individual audiences. Location-based advertising is one piece of this puzzle.

What is location-based advertising?

Remember back in the old days when you would get flyers for a fresh promotional deal at the new local deli or a show that’s happening around the corner?

You could say location-based advertising is just like that, only it takes place online.

This advertising approach allows marketers to deliver tailored ads to their target audience based on their geographic location – be it a country, city, or designated market area.

Location-based advertising uses consented location data to show consumers relevant ads and content on apps, websites, or other digital channels. 

But isn’t that just ad localization, you might ask. Not really, as it’s not just about translating your ads into the local language or picking a location on the map to throw your ads at it.

It’s about delivering dynamic, hyper-relevant ad experiences for your customers by adapting the creative elements of your ads and adding location-related information. This can include but is not limited to discounts at the nearest store, events in the area, special offers, and other promotions.

Should you try location-based advertising?

That depends. The answer is yes if you want to:

  • Boost engagement: Customers are more likely to engage with ads that are relevant to their current location, immediate needs, regional interests, cultural specifics, and language (or even accent) preferences.
  • Get more foot traffic: Want to increase in-store visits for retail stores, food services, and businesses with physical locations or regional offerings? Enticing more people in the area with relevant special offers can drive more customers to your locations.
  • Increase relevance: Offers and messages can be tailored based on the user’s location, making them more personalized and appealing. You can insert photos of their city, or if your research shows that people are more likely to interact with an ad when they’re commuting, you can show them your ads when they’re on a train.
  • Gain better data and insights: By monitoring how your customers respond to the different variations of your ads, you can gather data on customer behavior and preferences based on their location. This can help you refine your marketing strategies.
  • Boost sales: When you offer a more personalized, relevant, and customized experience to your customers, the engagement rate goes up, and consequently, you can expect sales to increase as well.

What are some types of businesses that could especially benefit from location-based advertising?

  • Brick-and-mortar stores: Retail businesses can attract nearby customers with special offers and promotions.
  • Events and pop-ups: Letting people in the vicinity know about events and temporary stores can drive immediate traffic.
  • Local services: Businesses like restaurants, salons, and repair shops can benefit from reaching out to nearby customers.
  • Tourism and hospitality: Hotels, attractions, and travel services can attract tourists who are already in the area.
  • Real estate: Real estate agents can target ads to people who are in the areas of their listings.

Sounds great, so what’s the most time- and cost-effective way to deliver location-based ads?

Deliver location-based ads at scale with Celtra

The problem with location-based advertising is that it’s difficult to adapt the creatives in every single ad when your resources are dwindling and time pressures are mounting.

With a solution like Celtra’s Creative Enablement, marketers and media teams can harness technology to easily deliver a wide range of premium ad experiences, including dynamic ads with location capabilities.

With Celtra’s Nearby ad product, you can show the distance between the user and the nearest store location.

How? Depending on your needs, Celtra’s specialized software offers multiple ways to add location targeting to your ads.

  • Creative Relevancy: This option is great for building an ad that dynamically changes itself according to external data – in this case, the user’s location. You can customize the content of your ad based on the user’s city, state, or country for up to 10 or so locations.
  • Location feeds: For a larger number of locations, the best option is to import your data and set up a location-based feed. This allows you to deliver personalized ads for up to thousands of different locations or show the user the nearest locations.

There are also two location-based dynamic components you can activate by connecting them to your location-based data feed:

  • Locator component: Want to enable users to search for their nearest locations on a responsive map? You can add a customizable map to your ads and manage a list of locations to be displayed.
  • Nearby component: This component enables you to dynamically change ad copy to include information like the user’s distance from the location, address, opening hours, and more.

Another option is to use Celtra’s ready-made Location Units, through which you can easily activate your location data:

This ad unit helps you drive more action to your location by delivering a hyper-relevant message using the locator component.

This interactive product carousel can enable your customers to reveal a map of store locations on tap.

If you’re lacking resources to execute creative production at the scale you want, we’ve got you, too. While Celtra’s Creative Enablement can be completely self-serve, you can also turn to our team of industry experts for the support you need – be it creative production or consulting.

Ready to see how you can elevate your campaigns to new heights with Celtra’s location-based ads and other premium ad experiences?