“As a designer, Celtra allows me to create multiple versions and many assets in one file, reducing time & effort on design, edits & export.”


“Currently I am working for the Ecom NAM Adidas team, where 80% of the jobs required by the client are requested in Celtra for its easy management, consultation and distribution of digital campaigns. My quick knowledge of the platform led me to be part of my current work team. As a digital designer, developing projects in Celtra allows me to adapt and create multiple versions and large numbers of assets in a single file, thereby reducing time and effort during the process of designing, correcting and exporting files. The builder of this platform is very intuitive, since it has an interface very similar to the design programs that I use daily, which made it easy for me to master it and thus be able to obtain my Certification. Having a channel where you implement campaigns, develop designs in different formats and distribute them for different media in the same place without having to move heavy files is wonderful and I call it “Celtra’s Magic”.

– Araceli Avendaño, Digital Designer – MORE Global for adidas

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