The Sky’s No Limit With Celtra’s DPAs for Travel 

By Celtra

In exciting product update news, we’ve got something really special for you, travel brand marketers! We’ve expanded our DPA solution for travel, so you can engage directly with your audiences in previously unimaginable ways! Empower a whole new range of personalization and boost the performance of dynamic catalog-powered ads with our full creative enrichment capabilities and real-time iterations at scale. 

Celtra is expanding DPAs to the travel vertical

Dynamic Product Ads are a simple way to personalize ads for your customers. By personalizing the customer journey, you can attract more bookings and promote exclusive offers by being extra granular with ads. Leveraging catalogs means you can automate ad creation while configuring your settings to optimize actions that matter the most, e.g., driving in-app purchases or increasing traffic to your website. Enriching DPAs has proven to be a powerful tactic for marketers, lifting ROAS with show-stopping creatives that deliver on-brand ads across the funnel. Using DPAs is a sure way to boost performance and build brand equity. 

Extend the benefits of enriched DPAs to enhance the customer journey 

By supporting travel, destination, and hotel catalogs, Celtra allows marketers to connect with travelers right at the bottom of the funnel more effectively than ever. Simply connect your catalog and select the most important offers to your business. With dynamic lower-funnel ads, you can encourage consumers to explore new destinations with a whole scope of creative approaches with which to experiment. 

Enhance performance by properly communicating your product offering 

Celtra’s DPA solution gives travel brands the upper hand by enhancing the performance of their catalog-powered ads on major platforms like Meta and Snapchat. The solution provides greater visual enrichment and real-time iteration capabilities, allowing marketers to create dynamic, eye-catching ads that allow you to properly advertise your travel packages, bundles, and last-minute deals rather than just your generic destination shot (beyond a palm tree and cocktail!). 

With Celtra, you have the freedom to really experiment with the way in which you want to build your ad to communicate your offering effectively. There’s a wealth of personalization tactics you can choose from, for example:

Do you want your DPA to be focused around… 

A. Price to advertise irresistible bargains?

B. Destination with the price as a smaller ratio to inspire wanderlust?

C. Hotel availability for an exclusive feel?

D. Star ratings to tempt the glamorous jet-setters?

Unleash the potential of your ads

Our innovative solution empowers travel marketers to unleash the full potential of their product catalogs, driving unparalleled personalization and communicating your offers effectively to potential travellers. With real-time iterations and full creative enrichment at scale, the possibilities for engaging and high-performance travel advertisements are endless. If you’re interested in getting on the bandwagon with DPA travel ads, get in touch with our team today! 

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